IRB Procedure and General Information
What does "IRB" stand for?
How do I get my research approved by the IRB?
What are the levels of review?
What general criteria are used to review proposals?
Can the IRB perform a scientific review to better understand the study design?
Once the IRB has reviewed and approved my research, have I fulfilled my obligations?
What changes can be made in a Request for Change versus needing to submit a new protocol?
Would pilot studies, with no intention to publish the results, need IRB review?
Where can I learn more about using IRBManager?
Federal Regulations (Including PII, FERPA, and HIPAA)
How do federal regulations define research? Pre-2018 Common Rule
How do federal regulations define research? Revised Common Rule
How do federal regulations define human subjects? Pre-2018 Common Rule
How do federal regulations define human subjects? Revised Common Rule
Is my research project considered to be a benign behavioral intervention? Revised Common Rule
What training is required for researchers involved in human subject research?
What if my research involves personally identifiable information (PII) or FERPA data?
What if my research involves protected health information (PHI) and is subject to the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA)?
What if the research is being conducted off campus?
What is considered an appropriate incentive in research?
What if I want to use Qualtrics for my study?
What if I want to provide diagnostic test results to participants or alter care based on results?
Can researchers be participants in their own studies?
What should I know if I want to use deception in my study?
What are my options for off-campus participants who want to park on campus?
Are there guidelines for if I want to do Finger or Heel-sticks?
What are my options if I want or need to upload my data into a data repository?
How do I keep my research data secure?
What do I need to know about working with Student Athletes?
I would like to do research in the European Union. What regulations should I be aware of?
Does your research involve collecting genetic information?
I’m planning on using DEXA scans in my research. What do I need to do?
Student Projects
Do I need IRB approval if I’m collecting data from humans for a classroom assignment (not thesis, dissertation, capstone)?
Does my thesis/dissertation/honors thesis/capstone project require IRB review?
What is “identifiable data,” and can I collect it in my classroom project?
Can I present my classroom project at a conference or research event?
As a student, can I collect data from other students that I supervise or direct?
Faculty Projects
Is it possible to conduct research involving my own students or subordinates?
If I’m using my own students or subordinates, what should I do or know?
Can I assign research participation for a grade?
What kinds of activities involving my students would not require IRB review?
Research With Children
What if the research is being conducted within a school district?
When working with children, is parental permission always required?
Are there circumstances in which getting parental permission may be against the best interests of the child?
When is permission required from both parents?
When is the child capable of assent?
What should be covered in an assent process?
What about documenting assent?
Clinical Trials
How do federal regulations define clinical trial?
What reporting requirements do I have if my research meets the definition of an NIH funded clinical trial?
Where can I learn more about clinical trials?
Can I return clinical relevant research results to research participants?
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