The Sponsored Programs Administrators Network (SPAN)

Learn About the SPAN

See the SPAN Quick Start Guide for resources needed to assist faculty with their research duties.

Please visit the Sponsored Projects Accounting website site for the SPAN meeting schedule and other helpful resources. 

The College/Departmental Administrator is the key point of contact in the area of pre- and post-award administration of sponsored research, instruction, and other activities.

Sarah Huttonshutton@uccs.eduAnthropology
Candance Martincmartin27@uccs.eduBeth-El
Pauline Hoyterhoyte@uccs.eduBeth-El Human Physio/Nutrition
Kristen Petersenkpeter13@uccs.eduBiofrontiers-UCCS Center
Rosy Mora de Mondragonrmoradem@uccs.eduBiology
Robin Bredlrbredl@uccs.eduBusiness
Ryan Olsonrolson6@uccs.eduChemistry
April Kellerakeller2@uccs.eduCOE
Tomoko Weggenertweggene@uccs.eduCOE
Griselda Ruiz-Braungruizbra@uccs.eduComputer Science
Cortney Strack-Loertschercstrackl@uccs.eduCPS
Kiti Hallkhall@uccs.eduCybersecurity
Timothy McDonnelltmcdonne@uccs.eduEconomics
Laura Edwardsledwards@uccs.eduEngineering
Shari Huschershuscher@uccs.eduEngineering
Sara Plettsplett@uccs.eduEngineering
Stephanie Vigilsvigil5@uccs.eduEngineering
Sabrina Wienholtzswienhol@uccs.eduEnt
Casi Frazierpfrazier@uccs.eduEnt-Ent Center Admin
Lily DiSilverioldisilve@uccs.eduEnt-Theater Works
Elena Hansenehansen3@uccs.eduEnt-Theater Works
Carrie Olsoncolson4@uccs.eduEPIIC
Ian Smithismith2@uccs.eduHistory
Jeremy Clickjclick@uccs.eduLAS Dean's Office
Jacqueline Hatfieldjhatfiel@uccs.eduLAS Dean's Office
Sherry McDonnellsmcdonne@uccs.eduLAS Dean's Office
Megan Tewsmtews@uccs.eduLibrary Operations
Elyse Dunckleyedunckle@uccs.eduLyda Hill Institute for Human Resilience
Emanuelita Martinezemartine@uccs.eduMathematics
Cheri McLeancmclean@uccs.eduPCSSC
Kristina Woodskwoods@uccs.eduPhysics
Andrea Williamsawilliam@uccs.eduPsychology
Marshall Fergusonmfergus7@uccs.eduSponsored Research
Charles Kuehlerckuehler@uccs.eduVA & EMSA
Pamela Chaddonpchaddon@uccs.eduVisual & Performing Arts

More SPAN Information

SPAN Meeting Schedule

Visit SPA's website for the SPAN meeting schedule and planned topics.

SPAN Mentors

Some SPAN members have volunteered to mentor and assist new departmental administrators. The SPAN mentors are listed below.

Trauma, Health & Hazards Center and School of Public Affairs

Elyse Dunckley


Andrea Williams

Required Trainings for SPAN members