The Sponsored Programs Administrators Network (SPAN)
Learn About the SPAN
See the SPAN Quick Start Guide for resources needed to assist faculty with their research duties.
Please visit the Sponsored Projects Accounting website site for the SPAN meeting schedule and other helpful resources.
The College/Departmental Administrator is the key point of contact in the area of pre- and post-award administration of sponsored research, instruction, and other activities.
Contact | Department | |
Sarah Hutton | shutton@uccs.edu | Anthropology |
Candance Martin | cmartin27@uccs.edu | Beth-El |
Pauline Hoyte | rhoyte@uccs.edu | Beth-El Human Physio/Nutrition |
Kristen Petersen | kpeter13@uccs.edu | Biofrontiers-UCCS Center |
Rosy Mora de Mondragon | rmoradem@uccs.edu | Biology |
Robin Bredl | rbredl@uccs.edu | Business |
Ryan Olson | rolson6@uccs.edu | Chemistry |
April Keller | akeller2@uccs.edu | COE |
Tomoko Weggener | tweggene@uccs.edu | COE |
Griselda Ruiz-Braun | gruizbra@uccs.edu | Computer Science |
Cortney Strack-Loertscher | cstrackl@uccs.edu | CPS |
Kiti Hall | khall@uccs.edu | Cybersecurity |
Timothy McDonnell | tmcdonne@uccs.edu | Economics |
Laura Edwards | ledwards@uccs.edu | Engineering |
Shari Huscher | shuscher@uccs.edu | Engineering |
Sara Plett | splett@uccs.edu | Engineering |
Stephanie Vigil | svigil5@uccs.edu | Engineering |
Sabrina Wienholtz | swienhol@uccs.edu | Ent |
Casi Frazier | pfrazier@uccs.edu | Ent-Ent Center Admin |
Lily DiSilverio | ldisilve@uccs.edu | Ent-Theater Works |
Elena Hansen | ehansen3@uccs.edu | Ent-Theater Works |
Carrie Olson | colson4@uccs.edu | EPIIC |
Ian Smith | ismith2@uccs.edu | History |
Jeremy Click | jclick@uccs.edu | LAS Dean's Office |
Jacqueline Hatfield | jhatfiel@uccs.edu | LAS Dean's Office |
Sherry McDonnell | smcdonne@uccs.edu | LAS Dean's Office |
Megan Tews | mtews@uccs.edu | Library Operations |
Elyse Dunckley | edunckle@uccs.edu | Lyda Hill Institute for Human Resilience |
Emanuelita Martinez | emartine@uccs.edu | Mathematics |
Cheri McLean | cmclean@uccs.edu | PCSSC |
Kristina Woods | kwoods@uccs.edu | Physics |
Andrea Williams | awilliam@uccs.edu | Psychology |
Marshall Ferguson | mfergus7@uccs.edu | Sponsored Research |
Charles Kuehler | ckuehler@uccs.edu | VA & EMSA |
Pamela Chaddon | pchaddon@uccs.edu | Visual & Performing Arts |