The Sponsored Programs Administrators Network (SPAN)
Learn About the SPAN
See the SPAN Quick Start Guide for resources needed to assist faculty with their research duties.
Please visit the Sponsored Projects Accounting website site for the SPAN meeting schedule and other helpful resources.
The College/Departmental Administrator is the key point of contact in the area of pre- and post-award administration of sponsored research, instruction, and other activities.
Department | Contact | Email Address |
Anthropology | Sarah Hutton | shutton@uccs.edu |
BioFrontiers | Kristen Petersen | kpeter13@uccs.edu |
Biology | Rosy Mora de Mondragon | rmoradem@uccs.edu |
Chemistry & Biochemistry | Ryan Olson | rolson6@uccs.edu |
College of Business | Bree Roman | broman5@uccs.edu |
College of Education | Tomoko Weggener | tweggene@uccs.edu |
Computer Science | Shari Huscher | shuscher@uccs.edu |
Laura Edwards | ledwards@uccs.edu | |
Economics | Tim McDonnell | tmcdonne@uccs.edu |
Electrical and Computer Engineering | Eva Wynhorst | ewynhors@uccs.edu |
Laura Edwards | ledwards@uccs.edu | |
Engineering and Applied Science | Laura Edwards | ledwards@uccs.edu |
EPIIC | Carrie Olson | colson4@uccs.edu |
Geography | Monica Beltran | mkillebr@uccs.edu |
Helen and Arthur E. Johnson Beth-El College of Nursing and Health Sciences | Pedro Santiago | psantia@uccs.edu |
Pauline Hoyte | rhoyte@uccs.edu | |
Heller Center for Arts and Humanities | TBD | |
Kramer Family Library | Brad Bailey | bbailey3@uccs.edu |
Languages & Cultures | Anabell Sintas | asintas@uccs.edu |
Letters, Arts and Sciences (available for support if primary department contact is unavailable) | Jacqui Hatfield | jhatfiel@uccs.edu |
Sherry McDonnell | smcdonne@uccs.edu | |
Lyda Hill Institute for Human Resilience | Elyse Dunckley | edunckle@uccs.edu |
Mathematics | Emanuelita Martinez | emartine@uccs.edu |
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering | Stephanie Vigil | svigil5@uccs.edu |
Laura Edwards | ledwards@uccs.edu | |
Physics | Kristina Woods | kwoods@uccs.edu |
Political Science | Tim McDonnell | tmcdonne@uccs.edu |
Pre-Collegiate Support and Success Center | Cheri McLean | cmclean@uccs.edu |
Psychology | Andrea Williams | awilliam@uccs.edu |
College of Public Service | Cortney Strack-Loertscher | cstrackl@uccs.edu |
Sociology | Rosemary Kelbel | rkelbel@uccs.edu |
Student Success and Enrollment Management | Charles Kuehler | ckuehler@uccs.edu |
Veterans and Military Student Affairs | TBD | |
Visual & Performing Arts | AJ Vafiades | avafiade@uccs.edu |
SPAN Meeting Schedule
Visit SPA's website for the SPAN meeting schedule and planned topics.
SPAN Mentors
Some SPAN members have volunteered to mentor and assist new departmental administrators. The SPAN mentors are listed below.
Trauma, Health & Hazards Center and School of Public Affairs | Elyse Dunckley | edunckle@uccs.edu |
Psychology | Andrea Williams | awilliam@uccs.edu |