Finding Funding

Learn About Finding Funding

The Kraemer Family Library provides access to and assistance with print and electronic resources that can help you with the grant-seeking or proposal writing process. These resources include:

  • Foundation Directory Online Professional provides subscribers with access to timely, comprehensive information on grantmakers and their grants. Included is a database of the entire universe of over 140,000 foundations, corporate giving programs, and grantmaking public charities in the U.S.; a database of over 4,000 sponsoring companies, offering a quick pathway to corporate funders; a database of over 3.8 million recently awarded grants; and a keyword-searchable database of over 1 million recently filed IRS Forms 990 and 990-PF.
  • Pivot-RP is a web-based suite of tools for identifying funding opportunities and potential collaborators across all disciplines. It is freely available to all UCCS faculty, postdocs, staff, and students.
    • How to login to PIVOT
      • Login "Using my account credentials"
      • If the system says you do not have access, you need to Create an Account.
  • With intelligent mapping features, Pivot-RP simplifies the discovery and dissemination of funding opportunities and fosters collaboration. Pivot-RP makes connecting the right opportunities with the right people easy.
  • Books on proposal writing in general or for specific disciplines -- search the Kraemer Library Catalog using the keywords "proposal writing."
  • Access to electronic databases in various disciplines for conducting literature searches that help establish the grant-worthiness of a proposed program. Visit the Kraemer Library Database List to find the a library database for your research.
  • Reference assistance in locating research materials, electronic resources, or pertinent Web sites.
  • A Library Web Page with links to government resources, patent resources, electronic databases, and full-text journals.

Call the Reference Desk (719-255-3295) or visit to library's help page for assistance with any of the above resources.


A database of sponsored funding opportunities.

For UCCS Employees: To allow searches to be saved and to sign-up for automated alerts, UCCS employees need to clear their cache and access SPIN on the eRA webpage.

For Non-Employees: Students and others with a UCCS campus credentials may access SPIN using the proxy server. Only current UCCS students, faculty, and staff can access resources via the proxy server. It will prompt you to log in with your campus credentials when off campus.

This is a service that operates to provide information for every Federal grant opportunity. It allows searching for information on available grant opportunities using a number of criteria, including a key word search or searching by an Agency. It also includes a registration function to receive e-mail updates as new grant opportunities are added by agencies. 

Sign up at

Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance (CFDA)

The Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance describes federal programs, including purpose, eligibility, appropriations, and information contacts.

Federal Register

The Federal Register publishes rules, proposed rules, and notices, including funding opportunities, of federal agencies. Free access to the Federal Register is available through Seton's Workplace Safety.

National Institutes of Health

NIH has a Grants and Funding Opportunities page that links to RFPs and resources for those preparing proposals, Research Training Opportunities, a searchable biomedical database of federal-supported proposed research conducted at universities, hospitals, and other research institutions, and the NIH Guide to Grants and Contracts. The NIH Guide for Grants and Contracts serves, in lieu of the Federal Register, as the official publication of NIH policies, procedures, and program announcements.

National Science Foundation Custom News Service

The NSF provides a news service, which includes notification of program announcements, discoveries, events and more. You may subscribe for email or RSS or search for funding opportunities at NSF's Funding Search website.

The US Department of Education

An alphabetical list of programs is available at the Department of Education's Find Programs page. This page also contains links to other look-up alternatives.

The Foundation Center

The mission of the Foundation Center is to foster public understanding of the foundation field by collecting, organizing, analyzing, and disseminating information on foundations, corporate giving, and related subjects.  Access provided by the Kraemer Family Library, the Foundation Directory Online Professional provides subscribers with access to timely, comprehensive information on grantmakers and their grants. Included is a database of the entire universe of over 140,000 foundations, corporate giving programs, and grant making public charities in the U.S.; a database of over 4,000 sponsoring companies, offering a quick pathway to corporate funders; a database of over 3.8 million recently awarded grants; and a keyword-searchable database of over 1 million recently filed IRS Forms 990 and 990-PF.

Small Business Innovation Research/Small Business Technology Transfer

The Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program is a highly competitive program that encourages domestic small businesses to engage in Federal Research/Research and Development (R/R&D) that has the potential for commercialization. Through a competitive awards-based program, SBIR enables small businesses to explore their technological potential and provides the incentive to profit from its commercialization. By including qualified small businesses in the nation's R&D arena, high-tech innovation is stimulated and the United States gains entrepreneurial spirit as it meets its specific research and development needs.

Research and Creative Work Fund

Full-time tenured and tenure-track faculty who are resident at UCCS are eligible to apply for these funds. The objectives of this program include the promotion of research excellence; to assist more junior tenure-track faculty to establish their research program; and to provide seed money to enable faculty to secure external funds. Proposals are typically solicited in December and awards are limited to a maximum of $7,500. Questions should addressed to Jessi L. Smith, Associate Vice Chancellor for Research, This year's call for submissions can be found at the Committee on Research and Creative Works webpage.

Faculty Resource Center

The Faculty Resource Center offers several grants and programs to provide faculty with the instructional resources and support to explore and implement innovative teaching practices.

UCCS Teaching Enhancement Grants

The Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs Committee awards members of the faculty grants for the purpose of helping them enhance their teaching methods.

President's Fund for the Humanities

The fund supports both traditional and innovative projects in the humanities. Proposals that reach a large audience are especially encouraged. Among the kinds of proposals received are funding requests for:

  • Visiting scholars, artists, lecturers
  • Exhibits, performances, productions
  • Seminars in humanistic studies
  • Public Programs in the humanities
  • Projects that involve interdisciplinary or intercampus cooperation
  • Projects that increase the visibility of the humanities
  • Projects that emphasize humanistic values in a broad social context
  • Projects that address specific social problems in a humanistic context
  • Innovative teaching in humanistic studies

Visit the CU President's Fund for the Humanities website for more information.

Faculty Assembly Women's Committee Research, Creative Works, and Development Mini-Grant

The Faculty Assembly Women's Committee and the Office of the Provost request proposals for a variety of grants for research, creative works, and/or curriculum development on gender related issues.

Contact Catherine Grandorff at

Technology Transfer Seed Grants

These annual investments are made on a competitive basis which is open to any UCCS tenured or tenure-track faculty in any program area. The objectives of this investment program are to promote scholarship that has potential for further commercialization/intellectual property (Tech Transfer Seed Grant proposals). The proposals submitted under this funding program are evaluated by our Faculty Research Council (FRC) composed of faculty from across campus. The FRC selects awardees in accordance with the eligibility and evaluation criteria specified on our Research funding opportunities webpage. Questions should addressed to Jessi L. Smith, Associate Vice Chancellor for Research,

Undergraduate Research Academy (URA) awards

Student-faculty researcher pairs can apply for funding from the Undergraduate Research Academy Summer Program to support their research project. For this call, the maximum total award available is $3500 for each pair. This call is meant to support summer research conducted between May and August of the award year. Although the dates of the research program are flexible, students are expected to dedicate ~200 hours towards research over the summer. Students must attend all summer workshops and URA meetings held during the summer semester. Please contact the Director of the Center for Student Research Jennifer Poe at or visit the URA website for information.