IRB Submission Procedure

Learn About IRB Submission Procedure

The participation of humans in research projects raises fundamental, ethical, and civil rights questions. All such research, funded and unfunded, sponsored and not sponsored which is carried out by students, faculty, or other University employees, on or off campus, is covered by the Policies and Procedures of the UCCS Institutional Review Board (IRB) for the Protection of Human Subjects.  

For Exempt, Expedited or Full proposals, researchers should review the following:

The Offices of Sponsored Programs and Research Integrity (OSPRI) coordinates the approval process for human subject research. Questions about the IRB submission and approval process may be sent to the IRB e-mail,


Offices of Sponsored Programs and Research Integrity
University of Colorado Colorado Springs
1420 Austin Bluffs, Colorado Springs, CO 80918
(719) 255-3903 (voice)
(719) 255-3706 (fax)