Frequently Needed Information for Proposals
Legal Name
- Regents of the University of Colorado, a body corporate, on behalf of the University of Colorado Colorado Springs
University Established:
- 1965
DUNS Number:
- 18-619-2829
UEI/Unique Entity Identifier:
Federal Entity Identification Number (FEIN):
- 84-6000555
Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN):
- 84-6000 555
NIH Entity Identification:
- 1846000555E7
- 1199903
Congressional District:
- CO-005
UCCS Zip Code:
- 80918-3733
Business Type:
- Nonprofit, Education, and State
Federal Determination No.:
- IRS Tax Exempt Certification, 501(c)3.
- Download the Letter of Exemption (PDF)
Commercial & Government Entity (CAGE) Code Number:
- 2T882
North American Industry Classification System(NAICS):
- 611310
Human Subjects Assurance No.:
- FWA00002481 Expires on 03/04/2029
Colorado Sales Tax Exemption No.:
- 98-02565-0000
Federal Sales Tax Exemption No.:
- 84-730123K
European Commission Participant Identification Code (PIC):
- 912967008
U.S. Department of Education 2023 Designation as an Eligible Institution
Authorized signers on sponsored program proposals and awards:
- Executive Director, Office of Sponsored Programs and Research Integrity
- Associate Vice Chancellor for Research
- Provost & Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs
- Chancellor
Facilities & Administrative (indirect) Cost Rate:
- On-Campus Rate: 49% x Modified Total Direct Costs (MTDC) MTDC excludes equipment ($5,000 or more per unit with a useful life of one year or more), capital expenditures, charges for patient care, tuition remission, rental costs of off-site facilities, scholarships, fellowships, participant support costs, and the portion of each subgrant and subcontract in excess of $25,000. Negotiated with the U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, in 2024.
- Off-Campus Rate: 17%. The project is conducted entirely off-campus or the project budget includes rent for facilities and more than 50% of the salaries and wages support effort at the rented facility. If you feel that you have an off-campus project, contact OSPRI to discuss this.
- UCCS F&A Rate 7/1/2024 - 6/30/2028
Fringe Benefit Proposal Rates
Financial Audit Reports of CU
- Audit Reports of CU - links to current fiscal year audit by Office of State Auditor
Office of Defense Trade Controls Compliance (DTCC)
- CU/UCCS is registered with the DTCC. Contact Mike Sanderson if you need the registration letter or code.
Proposal Process Flowcharts
UCCS General Institutional Description