Research Involving Animals (IACUC)

Learn about IACUC

The Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) is required by law to provide oversight for all animal care and use activity at the University of Colorado Colorado Springs (UCCS). Please contact the IACUC if you plan to use animals for any purpose on or off campus related to UCCS functions or activities.



At this point, UCCS does not have a Public Health Service/National Institutes of Health/Office of Lab Animal Welfare (OLAW) accreditation. For this reason, it is currently only permissible to conduct non-federally funded research with wildlife. Please carefully review and fill out the IACUC Wildlife Research Application . Should your research involve laboratory animals, please make sure to contact the Office of Sponsored Programs and Research Integrity (OSPRI) as early as possible to get the appropriate procedures and safeguards in place.

Questions may be directed to Dr. Jeremy Bono, IACUC Chair, by phone at 719-255-3668 or email at or Kama King, Research Compliance Program Director, by phone at 719-255-3903 or email at

If your research involves laboratory animals, contact the OSPRI as early as possible. 

IACUC Wildlife CITI Training is required for all personnel including PIs and Co-PIs involved in human subjects research. Our Wildlife CITI Training Quick Start Guide will help guide you through the beginning of the process. The training must be completed prior to IACUC review. IACUC training is available through CITI Program.


Useful References