Misconduct in Research Scholarship and Creative Activities

Research Compliance

Misconduct in Research Scholarship and Creative Activities

The University of Colorado Colorado Springs is responsible for fostering a research environment that promotes the responsible conduct of research, discourages research misconduct, and addresses allegations of possible research misconduct under Articles I and V of the Law of Regents, APS 1007, and requirements of federal agencies. The Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) webpage includes more information on research misconduct and other topics in research ethics, as well as upcoming RCR training events.

The Committee for Misconduct in Research, Scholarship, and Creative Activities (CMRSCA) investigates allegations of research misconduct.

Reporting Suspected Research Misconduct

If you have knowledge of or reason to believe that research misconduct has occurred, you can contact the university Research Integrity Officer (RIO) or a CMRSCA committee member directly or visit the CU EthicsPoint Hotline. The Guidelines and Procedures for Research Misconduct Allegations provides additional information on what to expect.


Committee on Misconduct in Research Scholarship and Creative Activities Members

CMRSCA meets at least twice each academic year, once in fall and once in spring. Additional meetings are called by the Chair of CMRSCA as necessary.


Jessi Smith (ex officio)Research Integrity Officer 
Rhonda Glazier (Chair)2022-2026 (2)Library
Helen Graham2023-2026 (1)Beth-El
Robert Hirschfeld2023-2026 (1)BUS
Patrick McGuire2023-2026 (1)EDUC
Greg Plett2021-2026 (4)EAS
Douglas Risser2023-2026 (1)LAS
Rachel Thayer2023-2026 (1)LAS
Henriikka Weir2024-2027 (1)CPS

Meet Your Research Integrity Officer

Research Integrity Officer
Jessi L. Smith, PhD

Dr. Smith got her start as a researcher right here at UCCS. She is a proud alumni. Her undergraduate degree from psychology afforded her the hands-on research experience that has resulted in a life long love of scholarship.

What is a Research Integrity Officer (RIO)?
In cases of research misconduct, the Research Integrity Officer, or RIO, is the person on campus who, among other things, 1) helps guide and educate people considering submitting an allegation of misconduct on the procedures and requirements, 2) receives research misconduct allegations, 3) coordinates CMRSCA and its committees, and 4) communicates with those involved in the allegation, as well as University officials and any sponsors.